• Duminică, August 12, 2018


After one week development, the X Acceleration Codec v1.6.0 is ready! now you can easy to add new streams with the stream profiles supports. normally, all of your streams will have same transcoding settings. so imagine you have 100 SD streams, obviously you don't want to configure the bitrate and other settings every time, right? so this is exactly situation you want to use stream profiles. Also, we added the DVB subtitle copy supports, If the stream has more than 1 subtitle streams, all other subtitle streams will be copied too. Finally, this version I optimized the web user interface. hope you enjoy it.



version 1.6.0:

- add stream profile supports.

- add DVB subtitle copy supports.

- add hwaccel status column to stream manage page.

- optimize the output section UI of stream settings page.

- optimize the config store structure.

- fix empty source stream URL caused internal server error bug.

- fix frame rate + overlay watermark settings bug.

- fix the form validator scroll to the error field may covered by top navbar problem.

- fix the web port settings bug.

- remove ffmpeg_nginx service dependency.


Released by X Acceleration Codec Developer Yang.Z at Sun Aug 12 16:44:24 UTC 2018