31st İyl 2018
X Acceleration Codec v1.4.4 released!
This is a major performance optimization update. In the X Acceleration Codec v1.4.0 - 1.4.3, there is a system RAM bandwidth overhead problem. which is caused by the FFmpeg hwdownload and hwupload filters. it involves the extra frame copies between system RAM and GPU RAM. and when bandwidth is exceed the limits. then all the system will ...
28th İyl 2018
X Acceleration Codec v1.4.3 released!
As we known. most of clients are using the DVB card to receive the live streams from satellite or cable. and they are using Cesbo Astra or similar DVB software to send the http or udp stream to the X Acceleration Codec. but there is a weird problem that the streams will restart randomly sometimes. I believe this problem happens to most ...
19th İyl 2018
X Acceleration Codec v1.4.2 released!
I strongly recommend client to use Nvidia GPU based transcoding solution. But there are many clients perhaps still want to utilize their old CPU server. So I added the CPU based H.264 and H.265 software transcoding supports in this version. It will be treated as an additional encoding option in the X Acceleration Codec. If you only ...
17th İyl 2018
X Acceleration Codec v1.4.1 released!
QuickSync based decoder, deinterlance and scale has been supported. now you don't have to use i7-6700 or i5-6500, only a i3-6100 is enough for transcoding 8 HD1080@25fps channels. and the performance has been maximized. also, the full GPU based hardware transcoding and Nvidia GPU based scaling is supported now. The previous version ...