26th Okt 2018
X Acceleration Codec v2.0.1 released!
X Acceleration Codec 2.0.1 is released, it fixes a few problem in the previous 2.0.0 version. for example: the implementation of Computer Vision Delogo filter has a small problem that it blurs the logo area for very long time. and If you didn't have the label in the stream, the panel may not be able to show the stream status in ...
20th Okt 2018
X Acceleration Codec v2.0.0 released!
After a few weeks development, the X Acceleration Codec v2.0.0 is released today. the most important update for this version is we implemented a computer vision based dynamic logo detect and remove filter in the FFmpeg, it's called cvdelogo. it supports color and scale invariant features for detecting the logo object. You can use it ...
8th Okt 2018
X Acceleration Codec v1.8.7 released!
There is a bug introduced in the previous 1.8.6 released, the overlay logo function is not working. so please upgrade to 1.8.7 version.
version 1.8.7: - fix the overlay logo not working bug. - use the movie filter to load the overlay logo image.
Released by X Acceleration Codec Developer Yang.Z at Mon Oct 8 18:18:28 ...
6th Okt 2018
X Acceleration Codec v1.8.6 released!
In this release, the native AAC audio encoder and the multiple audio streams copy and transcoding is supported. In the default, the first audio stream will be selected. and other audio streams will be discarded. If you want to copy or transcoding multiple audio streams. you can set the "Audio Map" options. also, the subtitles stream ...
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